'SAS: Rise of the Black Swan' Ends With a Romantic Wedding Scene Whose Wedding Is It?

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Thursday, May 9, 2024

Netflix's action-thriller, also known as 'SAS: Red Notice,' charts the cat and mouse game between a group of terrorists and SAS agents.

Source: Netflix

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Netflix's SAS: Rise of the Black Swan (aka SAS: Red Notice).

Starring Ruby Rose and Sam Heughan, Netflix's latest adventure-thriller tells the jaw-dropping story of a family-owned private military company, the Black Swan.

Based on Andy McNab's best-selling thriller Red Notice, the film — originally released in the UK with the title SAS: Red Notice but now called SAS: Rise of the Black Swan, likely because Netflix didn't want to confuse audiences with its upcoming Red Notice film starring The Rock — is bound to garner popularity with its suspenseful plot, spectacular action scenes, and brilliant character development. So, who makes it to the end of the movie, and who doesn't? Here's the ending explained.

Source: Netflix

Here is the 'SAS: Rise of the Black Swan' (or 'SAS: Red Notice') ending explained.

Magnus Martens's latest flick revolves around William Lewis's (Tom Wilkinson) family-run business-cum-legacy project, a militia for hire that does the dirty work for organizations big and small (the UK government included.)

In an early scene of the movie, Grace (Ruby Rose), William's daughter, threatens to burn to the ground a Georgian village. She wants to save the women — not so much out of feminist-minded compassion but because she wants the survivors to keep on talking.

Source: Netflix

So, which characters make it all the way to the ending of 'SAS: Rise of the Black Swan'?

An amateur recording shot by a young survivor starts to make the rounds in no time, forcing Grace and the rest of the bloodthirsty clan to do a swift performance evaluation. Unfortunately, their employers are hoping to take slightly more drastic action. The UK government issues a Red Notice, and things go downhill from then on.

The founding member of the militia, William, goes out early on in SAS: Rise of the Black Swan. Does the rest of the crew make it all the way to the end?

Source: Netflix

The future isn't looking bright for the younger generation of Lewises either. In an attempt to initiate a new round of negotiations with the prime minister — she wants ransom and the right to leave the country — Grace hijacks a Eurostream train from London to Paris.

But her clever ploy has a significant flaw. As Grace is to learn, Tom Buckingham, the SAS agent who killed her dad, is on the train as well. He is headed to Paris to enjoy a romantic vacation with his girlfriend, Sophie Hart (Hannah John-Kamen of Game of Thrones fame).

Grace takes several hostages, including Tom's girlfriend, Sophie. Defying the odds, she manages to strike up a deal with those in power, earning a considerable chunk of ransom money. Everything is looking up, until it doesn't.

Does Grace die in 'SAS: Rise of the Black Swan'?

Tom kills Grace's brother, Oliver. Meanwhile, Grace burns down the whole of the Eurotunnel, just in case. Grace's top-secret buddy Declan (Tom Hopper, aka Tom Buckingham's co-worker) manages to escape, with plenty of ransom money to tidy him over for the foreseeable future.

Toward the end of the movie, Tom manages to turn around the situation, ostensibly killing Grace before rescuing his girlfriend. SAS: Rise of the Black Swan ends with a scene capturing their Mallorca wedding — during which Tom receives a phone call informing him that Declan got tracked down. He sets out on a mission to get revenge.

SAS: Rise of the Black Swan is available on Netflix now.
